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Commercial Print Models

Commercial print modelling is also known as lifestyle modelling or real people modelling depending on the model agency. There is no age or height requirement. The average commercial print client request that female models be 5'6" and male models be 5'10". However, its not uncommon to see female lifestyle models who are shorter. With men, they are expected to be over 5'9". These models are not fashion models. While they land similar work to commercial fashion models, they generally appear in print ads for non-fashion orientated products and television commercials. Commercial print models can earn up to $250 an hour as well as earn bonuses. Depending on the market, commercial print models may do lifestyle editorial work for local and regional magazines. Commercial Print models are usually non-exclusive and primarily work in one location. Commercial print models from New York often have agencies in Philadelphia, Connecticut, or Boston as its easy to travel to these locations. Commercial print models who appear like fashion models can often land commercial fashion work such as a national or international campaign. These types of models usually become exclusive with a better agency.