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Male Modeling

Male modeling as a career takes hard work, drive and a business sense. For those willing to do the work, make the right connections and stick to a quality health regimen, finding a part in the industry should be attainable.

How to Become a Male Model
The fashion industry is full of famous female supermodels. Their images fill television ads and magazines. Although they never get as famous as female models, fashion needs male models, too. A modeling career may look easy, but it takes lots of hard work, drive and devotion to become a male model. Models show or promote clothes, products or services and pose for artwork. Although female models make more headlines, male models are beginning to receive just as much attention in the fashion industry. Male models pose for images displayed on books, advertisements, magazines and TV. Types of modeling men can do include fashion, glamour, fitness and body-part (like hands) modeling. The world of male modeling is competitive and exciting